"Penetrating Planets Since 2004"
ECE6390 Introduction to Satellite Communications Fall, 2004
 Initial Research
 Project Requirements
 Neptune Facts
 Penetrating Probes
 Parts & Pricing
 Relay Satellite
 Link with Probe
 Link with Earth
 Parts & Pricing
 Total Cost
 Contact Info



Welcome to the home page for the Deep-Penetration Neptune Probes term project. This site is the product of more than a month of research, design, and calculation in an attempt to apply all of the material learned throughout the course in a real-life example of a future NASA mission.



Navigating The Site


This website contains a vast amount of information detailing the entire design process of a communications system between the Earth and Neptune. In an attempt to organize all of this data, each stage of the project has been assigned its own section. For example, all information regarding the probes and their voyage into the Neptunian atmosphere can be found under the 'Penetrating Probes' section of the navigation bar on the left of the webpage. The navigation bar appears in all pages of this site to allow for easy maneuvering and cross-referencing to other sections on the site.


Much of the information on this site was referenced from other sources. The sources referenced are cited at the bottom of each page, and all references made on this site are copyright of their respected authors and designers.



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William W